Facial Acupuncture

Beauty, from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, is a reflection of inner health and balance. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a safe and natural approach to slow the signs of aging and treat other facial conditions.

The insertion of very fine needles causes "microtrauma" to the local tissue, signalling the body to increase blood flow to the area to heal. Our treatments result in an increase in the good stuff our skin needs to be healthy and look youthful - collagen, elastin and lymph.

As Acupuncturists, we address your whole body’s health in every treatment. Therefore, we include points on limbs to address the underlying causes of aging or other facial conditions.


Traditional Facial/Cosmetic Acupuncture

Initial Consult & Treatment (75 min)

Follow up Treatment (60 min)



Express Facial/Cosmetic Acupuncture

Initial or Follow up (45 min)

This treatment includes a standard point prescription, it is not tailored to specific areas of concern.


whats included

Traditional Facial/Cosmetic Acupuncture Session:

After a thorough intake and discussion of your skin health goals, we will tailor your treatment with customized point selection on both the body and face. These points include Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture points, motor points, and trigger points.  Local points on wrinkles or “problem” areas will also be needled to promote collagen production. Additional modalities in your traditional facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment include:

LED light therapy specific to your skin concerns.

Gua sha on the face and neck for lymphatic drainage, muscle relaxation and contouring.

Facial cupping or facial massage on the face and neck for lymphatic drainage, muscle relaxation and lifting of the tissue.

Express Facial/Cosmetic Acupuncture Session:

Each treatment includes facial acupuncture, body acupuncture and LED light therapy. This express treatment includes a standard point prescription to support anti-aging and overall skin health. It is not tailored to specific areas of concern. For a customized facial acupuncture treatment, please book in for Traditional Facial Rejuvenation.

Facial + Cosmetic Acupuncture can treat:

  • Fine lines & wrinkles

  • Sagging skin

  • Dull complexion

  • Dry skin

  • Bags under the eyes

  • Facial swelling & puffiness

  • Large pores

  • Rosacea

  • Acne

  • Acne scars

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema