Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues including muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. These treatments can help alleviate conditions associated with everyday stress, muscular overuse and chronic disorders. Our Registered Massage Therapists will take the time to learn your health history and craft a thoughtful, effective treatment plan based on your needs.
Therapeutic Massage
With Amber Hazelton
60 mins
90 mins
120 mins
Therapeutic Massage
With Dorie Miller
90 mins Initial Visit
90 mins Follow Up
60 mins Follow Up
Direct Billing Available.
Some of the benefits of Massage Therapy Include:
Alleviates pain
Lowers blood pressure
Accelerates healing
Promotes circulation
Enhances immunity
Eases menstrual discomfort
Increases joint flexibility
Lessens depression & anxiety
Improves sleep
Reduces spasms & cramping
Learn and explore further. Our recommended resources:
MAYO CLINIC: Massage Therapy, An Overview
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH: Massage Therapy: What You Need To Know
MASSAGE THERAPY JOURNAL: Massage for Depression